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Friday, October 15, 2010

Healthy Food from Nature

In order to strengthen our immune system, Dr Wu suggested that we get back to simple foods from Mother Nature. He said fresh fruit and vegetables are rich in phytochemicals that offer various benefits in nourishing human cells. These phytochemicals will function best when they are consumed fresh and unprocessed.
According to Dr Wu, there are certain foods that contain high phytochemicals and are easy to find, but are often overlooked. Sometimes we just don't realise the value of what's close to us. Here are a list of simple and healthy food suggested by Dr Wu.

1. Tomatoes
A tomato contains more than 490 kinds of phytochemicals. Dr Wu said these phytochemicals can heal a wide range of cancers, including uterus cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. He recommends people eat six tomatoes a day to obtain full efficacy in fighting cancer.
"Thai people usually do it wrong though, when eating tomatoes. I noticed in most hotel dishes, tomatoes are usually cooked with their seeds taken out. Actually, the substances that can heal cancer are in the seeds and skin," he said.

2. Carrots
The carrot has been known as the poor man's ginseng as it is inexpensive yet contains a lot of phytochemicals. It is rich in Beta-carotene and vitamin A which is important for your vision.
Beta-carotene also helps ward-off a wide range of cancers including in the lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, and bladder.
The parts of the carrot that are rich in phytochemicals are the skin and the core.
"If you are buying carrots, don't choose the ones that are too small. Get the rather old ones," said Dr Wu.

3. Beetroot
Beetroot is the best food for your liver. Beetroot is known for its ability to cleanse the blood and improve circulation. Beetroot is also said to help prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Dr Wu also said not to be alarmed if after eating beetroot, your urine or stools appear pink or red. This indicates a genetically inherited inability to metabolise betacyanin, the red pigment in beetroot. Thus this harmless compound simply passes straight through the digestive system.
Like many other plants, the rich phytochemicals in beetroot are in its skin, so Dr Wu suggests people leave it unpeeled while eating. If part of the skin remains covered with dirt
after you wash it, you may peel only that part off, and keep as much skin as possible.

4. Celery
Celery has the potential for reducing high blood pressure. Dr Wu said if you eat eight celery sticks each day for one month, your blood pressure will improve. Raw celery also contains anti-cancer substances, so it is recommended for people who are usually exposed to radiation from computers and mobile phones.
Dr Wu urged people to eat these four vegetables as much and as often as possible. He also suggested the best way to get the full benefits from these plants.

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