On the 28 Sept 2010 @ Gleneagle Hospital in the morning. the operation done...
To reduce the risks and discomfort for the child, the operation is best done under a partly anaesthetic. James & I were waiting outside, it took almost 45 mins for the operation. After that, we went in for milk feeding, he's crying, and my heart felt like a knife cut.
The ring dropped after a week on the 6 Oct 2010.
Circumcised with a ring
The ring dropped after a week
Circumcision is the removal of the flap of skin which naturally covers the tip of the penis.
Circumcision prevents some infections under the foreskin which may happen in infancy and later childhood. However if they occur, they can be treated without the need for a circumcision. Boys who have been circumcised can get infections of the tip of the penis (also uncommon).
Circumcision prevents a very rare cancer of the penis. This cancer occurs in only about 1 in 100,000 uncircumcised men, and regular washing of the penis under the foreskin by men probably prevents it. Well over 99.99% of uncircumcised men do not get this cancer.
Circumcised men may run a lower risk of getting sexually transmitted infections, perhaps including HIV. However, circumcision is not an appropriate substitute for other better forms of protection (such as condom use).
Hi,researching if its better to circumcise with clamp or conventional method. Were both your boys' surgeries carried out with the clamp? Healing ok? Tx