Longchamp Planetes HandBag_Medium_Black_Short Handle, a line emanating from the Le Pliage bags that are easy to wear with tone on tone leather trimming and a thicker coated canvas.
It's value for money, it's only sold USD109 in Korea Airport. It's selling online at USD145, and selling at RM690 in Malaysia.
I must give a special thanks to Willy for buying the item for me.
Dimensions: 25x25x17cm |
Souvenir from Japan_Karine & Oliver
14 Apr 2011 |
My little poor Ryan always have to wear his "koko" old pyjamas. However, wearing sibling attire helps the kids bond with each other in a way, so I strongly believe this and it's cost effective too...
Normally, Ryan's wearing the sleeping bag during night time, and recently, he's getting taller, so the sleeping bag could not fit anymore. Hubby said wanna buy those jump suit for him, long sleeves and cover the feet as well, especially sleep in the air-cond room for whole night.
We went to Branded outlet in Ikano, bought 4 sets of jump suit for Ryan and 1 pair for Ian. Ian insisted to buy Mario Pyjamas and it's fitted type.
Ian is turning SIX. He's been awaiting his birthday!! Coz he knows there'll be a present for him. I promised him to buy LEGO for him and he selected and also awaiting Grandpa & Grandma to buy Ultraman collection.
Weight: 20 kg
Height: 119 cm
Summary of the Year:
5 - I tried on some computer games for kids, where can gain mental ability. All these are potentially addictive, have to be very careful.
5½ - He's trying to play TV game (PS2) which belongs to Huan Voon, I restricted him on the play time, but I think it's too complicated for him.
5¾ - Cannot ride on his bycycle (with 2 small wheels) on himself, after trying, even we're chugging along beside him, hold onto his shoulder, he still refused to ride on it.
Sleep - 9:30 pm goes up to bedroom, drink milk, read bible/story book.
Talking - He can speak Mandarin, but still have mixed with English and Cantonese.
Separation & independent - He's still clingy with us, especially need one of us to accompany him to sleep, luckily, on his 5¾ years old, he can sleep himself, but we've to be in the bedroom.
- brushing his teeth day & night
- sometimes taking a bath on his own
- wear socks himself
- can't really tidy-up/clean his school bag
- always mess-up the study area
God, thank you for Ian and this day, his birthday. Thank you for the cake, the presents, the party, and for everyone who loves and care for Ian. Bless Ian and grant him many, many more memories in the years to come, in Jesus name, Amen.
We have stopped Ian's drum class, the teacher refused to teach him on Feb 2011. What a shame, the teacher complained that he's too playfull and do not pay attention in the class.
Thereafter, I talked to him seriously, he told me that he wanted to learn piano instead like YuChien (his good friend).
Hubby & I was thinking to invite a friend home to teach me, but I think God leads hubby to visit a music centre nearby which is managed by a church, by talking to the teachers, we found that they're more caring and with love to kids. On 2 April 2011, we enrolled him into a piano class, it's also a one to one class, once every week with half adn hour each, and RM80 per month.
Also considering that we've piano at home for him to practise and guide him, so just give him a try...
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