Clothes for Ryan has been sorted out, all from sis Karine, baby cot set-up & ready. I'm not sure whether I've missed out anything important.
Labour bag - Err, James will know
Labour plan - Well, James definitely stay beside me, Ian will have po po to care for...
Stem Cell - I think we are not going to sign up for him as well
Baby bottles - I bought them, glass bottles with silicon sleeves, sterilised...
Diapers - bought
Confinement - Mummy will take care of me... Q-niong will help mom in the morning for a month.
Herbs - bought all, brought mom to wholesaler in Jln Ipoh
Ian - He has been waiting for brother, he always ask me why baby so long hasn't come out yet? And how baby is going to come out & how about me? I was born in Tawakal & how about baby, which hospital?
There's one time, Ryan kicked me so hard, I shouted out loud, Ian being caring, instantly asked me "mommy, are you OK?" & when I told his it was just baby kicking me too hard, he started angrily at my tummy & shouted, "baby aarr, don't kick mommy!" :)