Time flies, I'm going to be 34 weeks already...
All the while I want to take a photo, but for Ian I didn't, I just hope I would get around to take some pregnancy shots before I pop...
This pregnancy has proven to be harder than the 1st one, my nausea till now & I'll vomit the rest of the day.
He's so different compared to Ian, moving actively the whole day & I won't be worry to count the kicking.
Since my Obgyn did comment that the placenta is a bit lowish during my 4th to 5th months, but after that it's ok... but I still opt for caesarean. Therefore, a pre-scheduled date & pre-registration was done in July, I choose 28 Sept 2009 to be the same birthday with Zyta & agreed by James.
I've prepared everything for his arrival due to Ian arrived premature (37 weeks).
Anyway, countdown the days, lets hope everything will be smooth sailing.